Benjamin Rutter



Hi! My name’s Ben, the Chief Brand Officer at Mandem Meetup. I got involved in Mandem Meetup through a friend putting me in touch with Jamie, where he then shared the concept with me. From that I built a brand to allow Jamies concept run freely and been easily recognised, wherever we may be. The main reason I wanted to really get involved is because when I was 9 I lost my uncle through suicide, which we later found out was down to his mental health in his relationship. From this point onwards I have always wanted to support fellow brothers in any way I can to prevent depression, anxiety or even more seriously, suicide. If in my life we (Mandem Meetup) can remove the stigma around men's mental health and encourage people to openly talk, in a safe space with zero judgement, nationally, our mission will be complete.
Come As You Are,
You're Welcome Here.
Our community of men is strong and growing. When you’re not quite sure how to deal with everything - Mandem Meetup offers a place you can talk, free from judgement or expectation.
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