Safeguarding Policy

1. Overview

Safeguarding is a term used to describe the actions and considerations taken to protect the
welfare, wellbeing, and human rights of and individual. We, as a Community Interest
Company (CIC) have a duty of care for those people that interact with, or are affected by,
Mandem Meetup, particularly those that might be at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation
or harm. Safeguarding refers to any responsibility or measure undertaken to protect a
person from this harm.

The purpose of this policy is to help protect members of the Mandem Meetup.

The policy lays out the commitments made by Mandem Meetup, and informs trustees,
directors and associated personnel of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
The policy is primarily focused on safeguarding vulnerable adults as we regularly come into
contact with this group in the course of our work.

What's Happening

2. Roles & Responsibilities

This policy and related procedures are applicable to the directors, trustees and volunteers of
Mandem Meetup. Failure to comply with the policy and related procedures will be
addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the

3. Terms & Definitions

Key terms and phrases used within this document.

4. Key Principle of Adult Safeguarding

In the safeguarding of adults, Mandem Meetup are guided by the six key principles set out in
The Care Act 2014 and Making Safeguarding Personal. Mandem Meetup aims to
demonstrate and promote these six principles in our work:

5. Types & Signs of Abuse

Directors, trustees and members are well-placed to identify abuse. An adult may say or do
things that let you know something is wrong. It may come in the form of a disclosure,
complaint, or an expression of concern. Everyone within the organisation should understand
what to do, and where to go to get help, support and advice.

The Care Act 2014 defines the following ten areas of abuse. Wigan borough also includes
self-neglect as an additional category. These are not exhaustive but are a guide to behaviour
that may lead to a safeguarding enquiry. This includes:

6. Radicalisaiton & Terror

The Government through its PREVENT programme has highlighted how some adults may be
vulnerable to exploitation and radicalisation and involvement in terrorism. Signs and
indicators of radicalisation may include:

7. Children & Young People

Mandem Meetup is a CIC accessible only by adults (age 18+). In any interaction with children
and young people (CYP) such as work with organisations like schools, will fall under the
safeguarding policy of that organisation, meaning Mandem Meetup will adhere to and
follow those organisations safeguarding policy.

8. Managing Safeguarding Incidents

Any cases of harassment, abuse, neglect and exploitation are all serious misconduct and
Mandem Meetup reserves the right to:

Reporting Suspected Incidents

All members must, as soon as practicable, report any suspicion that an incident has taken
place, may be taking place, or could take place.

They may do this through direct reporting to:

If a person believes that another person is at risk of immediate harm or the victim of a
criminal offence, they must dial contact emergency services (999) or contact the
Manchester Contact Centre safeguarding team if you feel somebody is at risk of harm or
being abused (0161 234 5001).

9. Privacy, Data Protection and Confidentiality

All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy and confidentiality
of the individuals involved unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. Mandem Meetup
reserves the right to pass on relevant information to safeguarding services of emergency
services where they is deemed a safeguarding risk.

Come As You Are,
You're Welcome Here.
Our community of men is strong and growing. When you’re not quite sure how to deal with everything - Mandem Meetup offers a place you can talk, free from judgement or expectation.
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3. Terms & Definitions